Quilt And Sew 500 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle

$15.99 $11.99 Save 25% Sold out
SKU: 41448
Bits Puzzles

This 500 piece jigsaw puzzle is designed by Tracy Hall and measures 18" x 24". Available in two piece count. This puzzle will inspire you to break out your sewing machine and stitch something new! This puzzle was designed by the talented artist Tracy Hall.

  • Are there any other puzzles like the Quilt And Sew 500 Piece Puzzle?
  • Yes, we carry tons of puzzles like this one. We think you'll love the Draw and Paint 500 Piece Puzzle.
  • What should I do if I'm missing a 500 Piece Quilt And Sew Puzzle piece?
  • A missing piece can be a real downer. However, there are ways to about it. You can make your own or call the manufacturer.

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